Success Without School

The definitive guide to success without school, coming Summer 2015.

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Is school boring to you? Do you ever find yourself wondering what the point of homework, grades, and tests is? Are you a creative, or independent-minded person who feels out of place in school, feels he/she can do better, but just doesn’t know if there’s an alternative to the educational system?

Well, you’re not alone and, more importantly, there IS an alternative that can free you from the chains of school that have burdened you for so long.

But I warn you, this book is NOT for everyone.

If following orders, doing what you’re told, obeying authority, and being a passive spectator in life are things you PREFER, then this book is NOT for you.

However, if thinking for yourself, becoming empowered, actualizing your true potential, and becoming an ACTIVE doer in life, rather than a passive observer, are values you possess, then this book IS for you.

More importantly, if you’ve always HATED school, thought it was boring and unfulfilling, and always felt an intuition that you could do better, then “Success Without School: Think Outside the Classroom” is the one book you’ve been waiting for, and the one book your teachers will NEVER assign in class (because they’re afraid it might free you).

In this book, you will learn about the KEY truths you need to move forward, including:

– The Truth About Intelligence

  • Explains how intelligence originates in the MIND — NOT in textbooks or classrooms.
  • Illustrates how intelligence is a process of self-trust and thinking outside the box, rather than mindless regurgitation for a grade.
  • And More…

– How to Succeed In Our Vastly Different 21st Century Economy

  • Describes the huge changes to the economy, and why being a “good student” will barely prepare you for success in it.
  • Breaks down the coming Machine Economy, where robots are replacing basic human labor, and thus now, more than ever, being a robotic student and eventual robotic worker will be mostly useless (i.e. you’ll be unemployed).
  • Provides step-by-step principles about HOW to cultivate success without the need for school, college, or other silly arbitrary “credentials”.
  • And More…

– The Horrors of the School System

  • Documents the prison-like nature of modern schools, including their sinister origins as a mechanism for dumbing down and enslaving children (I’m serious, this is all documented history).
  • Exposes the ADHD pandemic, where students are “diagnosed” with an “attention disorder” even though, in reality, they’re just bored out of their minds by an unfulfilling, irrelevant, slave-training school system.

– And much more.

“Success Without School: Think Outside the Classroom” is the culmination of the YEARS I’ve spent decoding the propaganda pushed by the school system, and months of new, heavy research to add depth and originality to my premise.

This is not just a rehashing of what I’ve talked about for the past few years on my blog, Red Pill Philosophy. Instead, it’s my magnum opus – the full crystallization – packaged in an organized, in-depth, and clear format that will shatter the chains of your conditioning and illuminate your path to greatness.

As I said near the beginning: this book is NOT for everyone. But it IS for those who hate school, know they can do better, and want a helpful guide to enlighten them on their exciting life’s journey to TRUE empowerment, actualization, and success.

Will You Choose The Red Pill?

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10 thoughts on “Success Without School

  1. I totally agree that feminism is bullshit.but you did not create the red pill philosophy. It has been in existence for ten years through the work of Paul Elam (not his real name, it’s MALE spelled backwards) and the creation of . Members do not have to pay, just agree with the philosophy.There are REAL MRAs affiliated with avoiceformen who actually hold conferences at colleges and have had to endure the wrath of newly minted feminists.Just ask Sage Gerard (A.K.A. Victor Zen) There are also female allies :like KarenStraughn, Janet Bloomfield, Christina Hoff Sommers and Helen Smith. Again, I agree with the red pill philosophy, but you are not the real thing;you are just a copycat trying to make money. I suggest you take a look at to see for yourself.Please join us. You will be welcomed with open arms.

    • Buddy, your comment is beyond disgusting, however, I’ll provide you with a little back-history since you clearly did not bother to research my work before leaving this comment. I created my blog Red Pill Philosophy back in early 2012, and back then it had NOTHING to do with feminism or what you think of “the red pill” when it comes to feminism/men’s rights issues. I called it “Red Pill Philosophy” in reference to POLITICS, and taking the red pill about the nature of government/political parties. You can go back and see my first videos were about politics and political activism for Ron Paul. It wasn’t until about June 2014 that I began doing videos on the topic of feminism. The fact that there’s an online community of people who call or associate themselves as red pillers in regards to the topic of men’s rights/feminism, is just coincidence. The fact that you’d begin by insulting me, claiming I’m a “copycat” even though I didn’t name my blog after the men’s rights / MGTOW type of red pill community, then invite me to “join” your site, is just…I mean, wow, disgusting. As if you guys don’t make money from what you do, either through advertisements or donations or book sales or however else. My blog covers a wide range of topics, feminism is only one aspect (I discuss spirituality, quantum physics, politcs, nature of government, race relations, and more). The fact that you would try to claim exclusive ownership over ideas by saying I have to join A Voice for Men is just a reminder of how incapable humans are at putting their egos down and being rational — which is supposedly a key part of what MRA’s claim to fight for.

  2. I have been to hell and back with high school and college, switching schools and always being told my learning disability and ADHD will always be holding me back. I went from a shitty public high school, to a crazy liberal boarding school which I got kicked out of for low grades, to an expensive small private high school for kids with learning disabilities where I finally graduated. I went on in 2008 to a midsize liberal arts school on the coast of South Carolina where I did well the first year, but after that year I had to choose my major and I had no idea what I wanted to do with myself. I chose a Business major despite my issues with mathematics and ended up going on academic probation twice due to low grades and lack of attendance. Going into tests gave me anxiety and I would end up skipping tests after a while, even having anxiety dreams about going into tests, it was not good. I am now 25 working a shitty restaurant job and I know deep down in my heart that I can offer a lot more to society and make a better life for myself. My lack of success in school translated into other self-confidence issues in other areas of my life. While I see friends graduating college every year, I just feel stuck and need to start making serious moves in life.

    I would like to discuss my issue with you via email personally if that is possible. I feel like you could really offer some good advice. I plan on buying your godsend of a book as well for some inspiration. Please email me if you can, thank you for what you are doing.

  3. Hi Chris,
    I’ve been watching a lot of your videos and share your opinion I think in every way actually.

    What interests me the most is your views about school.
    I live in Switzerland, but I guess school systems in the first world are pretty much all alike.

    While I agree on everything, you never seem to offer any solutions and I can’t think of any myself.

    What should a school look like from the first grade to high school or even further? What should be taught exactly?

    Every child should be able to express themselfs of course, but how is that supposed to work with 20 children or more in a class? there are different interests and different talents, how do you work that out?

    I own a phone repair shop and I see children extremely interested and curious about technology in general. They love to watch while I repair a smartphone and ask a lot of questions.

    I think children should learn how computers are built from the ground up, because technology is the future and should be tought from early years. They should also learn computer language from early ages. What’s your opinion on that?

    • Hey. Your question on solutions/what should schools look like provokes a deeper question/issue about what children should be doing during their formative years (i.e. age 1 to 16ish). I’ve said before that school is not evil, it’s just the best society can do. As long as we live in a world/economy where the more value you can provide, the more money you will make, then it seems almost inevitable that there will be some people who make millions of dollars, and others who are not very skilled in anything and make much LESS money. In that case, most schools are basically just institutions designed to HOPEFULLY train people to be skillful enough to make enough money to live a good sustainable life. But is it really plausible that EVERYONE can be skilled in something and make good money? Well, I think technically there’s MORE than enough money/wealth to go around that everyone could live very comfortably (think of the top 5% of Americans who own like 50% of the country’s wealth — that’s a lot of money sitting in the hands of a few wealthy people). Unless society transitions to a new style where everyone shares their wealth and live in some Kumbaya utopia, then I pretty much think there will always be these disparities.

      So basically, for the most part, mainstream schools are how society attempts to give the lower classes a means of rising up the economic ladder. But see, what does that have to do with intelligence? There are countless geniuses throughout history who were successful and were known as geniuses WITHOUT going through school, or being poor students while they were in school. Some of the great intellectual paradigm shifts throughout history are accredited not to school, but to the genius’ capacity to think originally and outside the box — NOT his ability to memorize 100-year-old discoveries that someone else came up with. My new book “Success Without School: Think Outside the Classroom” argues that school is not needed to be intelligent (pretty obvious, actually). But given that the real reason MOST people go to school is because they’re hoping it will give them better ECONOMIC opportunities (i.e. graduate from a prestigious university that will make my resume look nicer and increase the odds of an employer hiring me), then let’s focus on that: can mainstream schools actually provide people with better economic opportunities? Yes, sometimes it can. Sometimes, like the case of Michael Faraday, it can convince you that you are intellectually inferior as classmates and teachers mock your speech impediment/poor grades, even though Michael would eventually drop out of school and pioneer the field of electromagnetism that is now being taught/studied in schools around the world today. Sometimes, the schools that are supposed to “teach” intelligence, actually end up becoming the enemy of intelligence, because often times, the pathway to being a genius is original thinking — which is the OPPOSITE of what is done in school, for the most part, since most of what you do is memorize OTHER geniuses’ stuff from hundreds of years ago.

      So, schools do not necessarily teach intelligence, and often times they can dissuade you from the kinds of original thinking that leads to ALL intellectual discoveries ever made. No intellectual discovery was ever made by thinking of something someone else already thought of: to think of something new — whether it’s the theory of gravity or relativity — you have to think NEW and originally (I’m sure you know this, but just in case).

      When you look at school this way, you realize that school is not so much about being smart, as it is about COPYING the smartness of other people by memorizing and regurgitating their ideas for a grade.

      So, to your original question, I would say that mainstream schools are the WORST place you could ever put a child — not because learning is bad, but because being forced to learn things you have no interest in and will probably never use…THAT’S bad. Worse, think about all the negative BEHAVIORAL qualities that schools instill in children. Schools train kids to be obedient, to obey authority, to worship a piece of fabric known as the American flag and pledge their allegiance to it as early as the age of 4 (and I’m sure many other countries have similar nationalistic rituals). The average mainstream school in America trains kids to be obedient, fearful, unoriginal, collectivistic followers-of-orders — NONE of that has anything to do with success or empowerment.

      One of the things I talk about in my new book is the “good-student, bad-worker” phenomenon. This is basically where the things that made you a good student, don’t necessarily make you a good worker once you enter the marketplace and try to get a good, high-paying job. In school, you get A’s and a star when you comply, follow orders, and do what you’re told. In the real-world, in the marketplace, that kind of weakened obedience often just gets you overlooked because you don’t stand out, you’re not bold enough to take risks, and challenge authority.

      So is school evil? Again, I take you back to my original point: schools aren’t ALWAYS evil, they’re just the best society can do. In a world where Albert Einstein is naturally going to get more money and recognition than a janitor who cleans toilets, it seems inevitable to me that you’re going to live in an economic system where people are naturally driven to achieve great discoveries like Einstein. And this is essentially what most people are in school for: sure, they claim they’re there to learn, but the REASON they want to learn, is so hopefully they can come up with something so amazing and valuable to others that they can make a good living off it. So, given this economic reality, the truth is that schools are the OPPOSITE of what you should do if you’re trying to become the next Einstein, or even a less-ambitious, more practical goal. Schools instill the exact opposite qualities that create people like Einstein, or Newton, or Henry Ford. Schools instill qualities of subservience, unoriginal thinking, and fear of authority — EVEN THOUGH being an entrepreneur or having insights like Einstein, require the OPPOSITE of subservience, unoriginal thinking, and fear of authority.

      So, through and through, I’ve come to the conclusion that is you want to raise empowered, healthy, intelligent, and innovative kids, the LAST thing you should do is put them in a mainstream school.

      So, to your original question: what should schools look like from first grade to high school? Well, I think, AT BEST, schools should be voluntary institutions where kids are NEVER forced to go. Leave schools open, keep paying the teachers using taxpayer money — but instead of having mandatory testing and grades, and parents forcing their kids to go — simply STOP forcing kids to go. Allow them to go to whatever class they want to, Let them come and go as they please. This way, teachers will only have the good students in their class that WANT to learn, and they don’t have to deal with the bored students who DON’T want to learn. It will be better for teachers. But then people ask me: “well, what are the kids going to do then? They’ll probably NEVER want to go to school, and will just play video games!” Well, that might be true for the average kid TODAY, but remember that the average kid today is a PRODUCT of our current system/culture. A lot of times, the main reason your kids escape into the video games and the television is because they are bored out of their minds with school. Parents tell their kids that school is a top priority, yet the kids are bored out of their minds by it. Kids are obsessed with video games and television because it’s the only exciting thing in their lives. Parenting plays a critical role in solving the problem of schools, because a lot of times is PARENTS who are raising kids who are so pampered by their parents’ support that they do not see the reality of survival and the importance of working hard. Instead, start raising kids by giving them more independence (which also means not buying them everything and spoiling them), and once they see the reality of life and the need to be hard working, they will be naturally prompted to work hard and find ways to be valuable in society and the marketplace economy.

      So, what should schools look like? Ideally, we wouldn’t have schools in the sense that we know them today. Instead, we would have training facilities where students go to get trained in actual tangible valuable skills that they can put to use. So, on your point about learning computer language, that would be great — for the youths who ACTUALLY want to learn about it. Otherwise, if they’re not interested, don’t force them. Forcing people to do things they don’t want to do is pretty much never worthy it: it’s only a burden on you, and everyone else. Leaving individuals alone to do what they want with their lives is one thing that modern society needs to learn more — even if it’s your own children. We live in a babysitter society that treats children SO MUCH like they’re inept fools that it actually ends up only REINFORCING their foolish behavior. I’ve said it before, I will say it again: treating children like children reinforces their childishness.

      So yes, my view is that schools, at the LEAST, should be completely voluntary institutions where no student is forced to learn anything they don’t want to, and no parent forces their kids to school. This of course begs the question of: “well then who will take care of the kid while both parents are at work” Well, maybe both parents shouldn’t be at work, so whether it’s a stay-at-home dad or a stay-at-home mom, someone should be their nurturing the child until it develops enough independence.

      If technology is the future (and I agree with you that it is definitely a big part of the future), then some youths will naturally see the value in becoming skilled in technology as a means to do something they love and make a living.

  4. Hey, thanks for your answer.

    You made some good points, but don’t you think that children (until they are a certain age) need some kind of guidance as well as a standard education?

    In theory it sounds amazing, kids not being forced to do anything they don’t want to, but would it work in todays society?

    I mean if you have kids not knowing how the universe works because they are not interested in it and never attended class, they are easy targets for religious organisations and you will have a lot of fundamentalists. if they are not “forced” into doing any sports, you will have overweight kids left and right. If you don’t (or can’t, if they don’t attend) teach them about biology and sex, you will have lots of pregnant 13 year olds. I think you get my point.

    So what I’m looking for is a solution TODAY, not hoping economy and society will change someday and make it possible.
    How can you or I make a difference with (for starters) a private school, conveying these kinds of values and let kids grow up as individuals? Do you think it would be possible?

    And this is not a hypothetical question, I am actually looking for a solution and would love to create a kind of alternate school system.

    • I never said children don’t need “guidance”. As for a “standard education”, look up the history of autodidacts. The notion that learning must happen through formal or standard education is madness. There’s a reason children’s brains are often compared to “sponges”, considering how quickly they learn. The difference, however, is that they can quickly learn what INTERESTS them (i.e. talking, walking, motor skills, sing-alongs, etc.). Children develop a very extensive vocabulary before they ever step foot in a classroom. If a standard education is required to develop intellectual skills like, like speech, writing — then how is it that the average child learns to speak before stepping foot in class? The same is even true with reading and writing. What you have to understand is that the BEST way to learn something is to WANT to learn it — to be genuinely curious and interested in it. Once you’re INTERESTED, learning is almost effortless. But when you force children into a school to get a “standard education” which includes subjects they’re not interested, you end up boring them to death, robbing them of a part of their passion for life, and draining their energy on things they have no interest in and–as a result of being uninterested in–will likely never use/pursue in life.

      So if you want a solution to the school paradigm, I’m here to tell you that you need to throw out the school paradigm as you know it almost entirely. Reforms…you need to completely undo the paradigm of forcing people to do things to begin with. Now, I never said don’t provide guidance to children, I said don’t force them to learn things they have no interest in and will probably never use. Teaching your 2-year-old to not touch the hot stove is something you should obviously teach your child, but teaching your 12-year-old how to solve advanced algebra — when they have no interest in that and would rather be reading a book — THAt’S fuckin stupid and unhelpful. Same goes for overeating, and same goes for sex and pregnancy.

      So, my book and my focus is on long-term changes, not how to work within the system today. I focus on the underlying basic qualities that are essential for being an empowered and intelligent person, not for how to reform the current school system into a less oppressive, boring, and authoritarian one. Taking the force out of parenting and schooling is the only solution I am comfortable with promoting, because everything else is just a symptom of the problem: not respecting individuals and their individual tastes, interests, and proclivities.

  5. Hi! Some economists say that the current economic crisis could become a new Great Depression. In your book there are some recommendations how to make money doing what you love in a bad economic situation. What do you think about this? I speak very bad English, so I use a translator, so I apologize for any errors in my message.

    • Hey, yes, some do believe there is a bad economic crisis coming. My book does cover this subject in detail, so I won’t go over it fully here, but the gist of it is that the flow of capital is shifting from the traditional centralized economic centers like corporations, governments, and universities, and now flowing more on a local level through a growing movement of empowered individuals who would rather start their own businesses/pursue their dreams instead of working mundanely for someone else just to make some green pieces of paper (money). This shift in the flow of capital means there are now more opportunities than ever before for any random person to start a business, or at least put some of their time/money/effort into pursuing some of their hobbies/dreams professionally. Because of this, the old outdated traditional model of go to high school, get your diploma, go to college, get your degree, then work for someone else the rest of your life is starting to go away, leaving a new world of entrepreneurial potential unlike any seen in quite some time. Plus, the advent of the internet, as well as the hyper-fast evolution of technology, means the world we are moving into will be VERY different from the one our parents lived in (even the one we grew up in ourselves). Whereas traditional schooling expects kids to memorize facts in their brains, the truth is it only takes a person 5 seconds to Google a question on their smart phones and have the answer. Technology has made almost everyone with a smartphone a literal walking-genius, thus diminishing the value of memorizing a bunch of facts out of textbooks for a grade.

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